The name of this organization shall be 果冻传媒 Staff Council.
果冻传媒 Staff Council, under the authority of the University President, exists as a collective voice to foster a positive and collaborative organization of unity by encouraging the exchange of ideas among staff. Staff Council shall advocate for and represent the interests and concerns of 果冻传媒 staff employees and shall convey information and recommendations to the University administration. Staff Council shall inform staff of any issues and policies affecting them. Staff Council shall always seek to promote a positive environment that is dedicated to evaluating, prioritizing, and communicating staff needs.
Staff Council officers shall be obligated to uphold and represent the interest of Staff Council and the welfare of the staff, faculty and students of 果冻传媒.
A. The Staff Council President Shall:
B. The Staff Council Vice President Shall:
C. The Staff Council Secretary Shall:
C. The Staff Council Treasurer Shall:
C. The Staff Council Past President Shall:
There will be four types of meetings:
Staff Council monthly meeting minutes shall be made available to the Staff Council within seven (7) working days after each meeting. Minutes shall be approved at the next monthly meeting with or without corrections, and shall be maintained as permanent record. Approved minutes shall be posted to the Council website within five (5) working days from the meeting date.
Minutes shall include:
A Council member may be dismissed for non-performance of duties, including but not limited to, absence from three (3) monthly meetings per year. Determination shall be made by the Staff Council Officers and Nominations Chair in the case of extenuating circumstances. The vacancy shall be filled in accordance with Article III. Section 3.
In the event a Council member will be absent from a monthly meeting, they may appoint a proxy, as their substitute, to attend the Council monthly meeting. Proxies shall not have voting privileges.
The University shall establish and fund an operating budget sufficient to meet reasonable operating expenses of the Staff Council.
The Staff Council Treasurer shall be established as the account head with alternate signature authority assigned to the Staff Council President.
Flow of funds are as follows:
With the exception of Staff Council Officers, all Staff Council representatives shall serve on at least one, but no more than two, standing committee.
The term of a committee member shall be for one (1) year. A committee member may choose to serve on the same committee(s) the following year.
Each committee shall meet once a month. Additional meetings may be called by the Staff Council President, or upon request of the chair/co-chair or a committee member. If a committee does not have business, they shall be waived from meeting monthly.
The Staff Council standing committees shall accept business items recommended or assigned to the committee by the Staff Council Officers and/or Staff Council members.
Committees shall address the item(s) in a responsible and timely manner and may create subcommittees to study specific issues, make recommendations, and refer items as necessary.
Standing committees have the authority to request, of the Staff Council Officers, the appointment of an ad hoc committee for special business under their jurisdiction.
Committee chairs shall report current committee business to Staff Council at each monthly meeting. Chairs shall prepare and submit a complete written annual report, regarding the work of the committee, to the Council President and Secretary by the September Council monthly meeting.
No Committee members may act for or on behalf of Staff Council without the prior written consent of the executive committee.
Staff Council standing committees shall be the Activities and Events, Communication and Outreach, Nominations, and Operational Support Committees. All committee activities and recommendations are subject to approval by Staff Council.
Activities and Events Committee
Community Service
To encourage volunteerism among Staff Council and organize charitable events for Council involvement. Community Service Committee shall work to engage the Council and University staff in community-service efforts.
Expectations and Procedures
Staff Awards Ceremony
To organize the annual Staff Awards Ceremony.
Expectations and Procedures
Staff Social Events
Plan and coordinate special events incorporating business and/or social activities to foster staff networking and promote unity among Staff Council and University staff.
Expectations and Procedures
Student Success
Organize and/or volunteer to help with student-related activities to show support of students from Staff Council. And focus on improving shared concerns that directly contribute to student success and engagement.
Expectations and Procedures
B. Communication and Outreach Committee
In working with all Staff Council committees, communicate activities, events, and projects related to or sponsored by Staff Council.
Expectations and Procedures
Staff Relations
Promote a safe and healthy working environment and foster communication among staff and Staff Council. Identify and investigate concerns, issues, and improvements affecting University staff.
Expectations and Procedures
C. Nominations Committee
To solicit candidates for membership vacancies on Staff Council, Staff Council Officers; and to carry out elections in accordance with Council Bylaws. Establish operating procedures for the nomination and election of members to the Council.
Expectations and Procedures
Nominations Drive
In working with the Communications and Outreach Committee, create Staff Council recruitment materials.
Expectations and Procedures
D. Operational Support Committe
To review, make recommendations and facilitate discussion regarding Bylaw revisions and policy statements. Act as parliamentary advisory in order to maintain productive Staff Council meetings.
Expectations and Procedures
Staff Council Ad Hoc and Special Committees shall be appointed by the Staff Council Officers at the request of a Council officer, committee chair, or Council members. Such committees shall be created as needs arise or for special business within a standing committee’s jurisdiction, to review and address specific issues.
Ethics and Governance Committee shall be created in the event a Council member, or officer’s actions are in question. A confidential committee shall be formed to review the grievance(s) and determine a plan of action, referred to as Staff Council Disciplinary Action, to resolve the issue(s). The committee’s recommendation stands and shall be recorded. Any Council member or officer with a Staff Council Disciplinary Action on record shall not be eligible to serve as an officer or committee chair.
A standing committee shall consist of Executive Board and 2 or 3 members from Bylaws including Bylaws Chair. Committee will consist of 7 Members total. Records shall remain confidential and held by the Staff Council Secretary, Nominations Chair, and Staff Council Liaison.
Provision of Removal from Staff Council Membership or Officer Position
Procedure for Removal from Staff Council Membership or Officer Position
Conclusion of Formal Inquiry
These Bylaws shall be amended by a quorum vote of Staff Council members. Amendments may be proposed and voted on at the same meeting.