
TexFlex - Flexible Spending Accounts

The Employees Retirement System (ERS) offers three types of TexFlex Flexible Spending Accounts:

  • Health Care FSA: Covers eligible health, dental, and vision expenses for you and your dependents.
  • Dependent Care FSA: Covers expenses for the care of children under 13 or disabled adults while you are at work.
  • Limited-purpose FSA: Specifically for dental and vision expenses, available only to participants in the Consumer Directed HealthSelect plan.

These accounts allow you to save on federal income taxes by using pre-tax dollars for eligible expenses. If you are a benefits-eligible active employee, you can enroll in, modify, or cancel a TexFlex health care, limited-purpose, and/or dependent care FSA within 31 calendar days of your hire date, during Summer Enrollment, or within 31 calendar days of a qualifying life event (QLE). You can have both a dependent care FSA and either a health care or limited-purpose FSA simultaneously. Participation in GBP health, dental, or vision insurance is not required to enroll in a TexFlex FSA.

Remember to SAVE YOUR RECEIPTS for all eligible expenses. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulates FSAs and requires validation for all purchases made with TexFlex funds. While the TexFlex administrator strives to validate expenses on your behalf, you may be asked to provide proof that your FSA funds were used for eligible expenses.

Funds in your FSA are subject to the use-it-or-lose-it rule. Be aware of the deadlines for incurring eligible expenses and submitting claims. This plan includes a rollover feature, allowing you to carry over unused funds up to the IRS maximum limit.


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