
Faculty Committee (Section 6)

Committee Charge

Demonstrate that we have faculty qualified to teach in their assigned areas. Review the academic record (transcripts, vitae, research and publications) of every faculty member.

Respond to whether Lamar has adequate numbers of faculty for the degrees offered and look at other issues specific to faculty such as their responsibility for curriculum, evaluation, faculty development, role in governance and academic freedom.

Meeting Minutes

Committee Members

Dr. Theresa Hefner-Babb
Exec. Dir. of University Planning and Assessment/SACSCOC Liaison

Dr. Gwinyai Muzorewa*, Co-Chair
Associate Professor of History

Dr. Brenda Nichols
Vice Provost of Digital Learning

Dr. Amy Smith
Director of CTLE/Associate Professor English

Dr. Zanthia Smith*, Co-Chair
Associate Professor of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education

*Denotes Executive Leadership Committee Member